In a period where the proportion of people giving money to charity, either by donating or via sponsorship, has been in steady decline, funding remains the biggest challenge for not-for-profit organisations.
In an attempt to turn the tide, many organisations have developed a clear digital strategy that includes adding a social media presence and an ability to receive donations online in order to reach a wider spectrum of donor prospects.

Nyman Libson Paul offers a depth of knowledge and experience to help your charity reach its maximum potential.
We offer a Partner-led service, and recognise the importance of teamwork, operating as a genuine partnership with our charity clients. We pride ourselves on our ability to work towards practical solutions and can assist in navigating the complicated regulations relating to entities with charitable status, leaving you to do what you’re good at - raising funds for worthwhile causes!
We currently advise the following types of charitable and not for profit organisations: theatres | educational charities (including colleges) | medical charities | religious organisations | grant making foundations | social welfare organisations.
Services we offer:
- Year-end accounts preparation (SORP compliant) and statutory audit
- Cloud accounting and VAT services
- Provision of Independent Examiner services
- Formation of charitable bodies and applying for charitable status
- Planning for and advising on specific VAT issues arising from charitable status
- Assistance with budgets
- Review of internal control and accounting procedures
- Governance and risk management advice
- Payroll services
- Ad hoc consultancy and strategic advice
- Assisting with gift-aid tax refund claims
- Assisting with potential grant applications and auditing grant claims
- Statutory Services (Annual returns – Charity Commission)
- International support and advice on cross-border issues via Morison KSi's global network